Submarine 2

After Nathaniel built his submarine and received rave reviews and a phone call from Grampa the submarine man, Zach decided to design and build one too.  This morning, he brought this fascinating structure over to me to review.

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I was completely impressed!  He encased the inside to make it waterproof around the windshield for the crew.  It has a propeller on the back with lights on it, two side fins, and you may notice the two lights on the front above the windshield.  If you did notice them like I did, you would be WRONG!  When I said that I liked the two lights, Zach said, “Those aren’t lights, Mom.  Those are missiles!”  Of course they are, Sweetheart.  I should have known.  As it turns out, that middle flashlight-looking light is the light.

I’m so proud of my kids and their hard work to imagine and design and create amazing things!  And their daddy… well, let’s just say that Matt considers engineering the ultimate proof of applied intelligence and could not possibly be more proud!